Top 5 Plastic Free Bathroom Swaps

In the search for more plastic free bathroom alternatives we thought it would be helpful to point you in the direction of some pretty nifty little products. These are completely plastic free and of course will not weigh heavily on the environment in the long run.

Here are our Top 5 Bathroom Swaps

  1. Shampoo + Conditioner Bars

We have been so spoilt for choice these days with hair bars and even body bars – that are hair &skin type specific. These bars are an easy and effective start to building your plastic free collection! I love the fact by using shampoo bars you can eliminate up to 6 plastic bottles. It’s a crazy thought that one little bar can do so much in terms of reducing waste! There are hair type specific bars that we stock at The Well Store that smell so good, give your locks some loving and don’t cost an absolute fortune!! For those of us with coloured hair, never fear there are even ones suitable for you! The whole family can get involved, even the little ones in your brood get their own selection as well. Pair these bars with Ethique biodegradable Soap storage containers and Bare & Co. Bamboo soap dishes, for the perfect plastic free bathroom collection!


  1. Reusable Safety Razors

Ditch the plastic and head over to the reusable razor way of life! These stylish yet effective plastic free safety razors are definitely a worthwhile swap as statistics tell us that over 2 billion disposable razors are thrown away every year, it’s a horrific statistic. Reusable Safety Razors take some getting used to, but will give you a closer shave and economically it is much cheaper in the long run! These contemporary safety razors come in a range of colours, rose gold, silver and gummetal. With no plastic in sight this product is the perfect addition you to you r plastic free bathroom collection!

 safety razor plastic free reusable safety razor

  1. Bamboo Toothbrush

These toothbrushes are a simple yet effective way to reduce your plastic! Bamboo is a sustainable option and is completely biodegradable option. You can also opt for a corn starch handled toothbrush which will also break down whilst still looking colourful, stylish and suitable for the whole family. See our collection of toothbrushes.

  1. Tooth Powder

A plastic free toothpaste option is a big winner, these Nelsons toothpastes come in a glass jar in two options: Tooth Powder, which you dip your toothbrush in OR Tooth Crush Tablets, that you crush between your teeth and they foam up, giving you a nice environment to begin brushing with! These plastic free Nelsons Tooth products come in a range of fresh flavours, with a glass jar and aluminium lid for packaging, so once you are done you can recycle the jar and be as creative as you can!


  1. Dental Floss

This one is a sneaky little plastic product, one many of us never think of as a landfill product, its thin and very unassuming but as harmful to the environment as anything else plastic because we use so much of it.. daily! So when we came across these plastic free Floss alternatives it was such a relief, no more landfill even if it is so thin and scrawny, it is still plastic. Dental lace is a 100% natural and stylish plastic free bathroom collection alternative as it is made of silk and packaged in a glass jar, which can buy refills for too. If you are not keen on silk we have bamboo floss and vegan alternatives too using a plant based wax.


M xx


Disclaimer: Now before we go on.. by no way am I condoning the dismissal of perfectly good products that are plastic or have some sort of plastic. Please be mindful use up every little bit, reuse and please recycle and upcycle where necessary we don’t want to just be adding to waste, just because.


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