Heal Your Gut Powder Q & A with Lee Holmes

Heal Your Gut Powder has to be one of our best sellers here at The Well Store, so I thought it would be helpful for those who are not familiar with this product or are currently taking it - to find out a little more valuable information straight from the source! 

What Is Heal your Gut  Powder And What Is It Made Up Of?

My Heal your Gut Powder is an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo naturopathic-grade food that gently sweeps and eliminates bad bacteria. It’s high in absorb-able iron, silica and 15 valuable trace minerals. It’s made of extremely pure Diatomaceous Earth, also known as Fossil Shell Flour. 

How is Heal Your Gut Different To Other DE Products On The Market?

My Heal Your Gut powder is different to every other powder because of its quality, it is approved by Food Standards Australia and New ZealandMy powder is made of the best of the best; no other product on the market can compete!  

Can Children Take This Safely? What Dose?

It is a safe and natural product for children but I would consult your medical practitioner before giving it to children if you’re worried. I recommend ½-1 teaspoon per day for children. 

Can Pregnant Or Breast Feeding Mothers Take Heal Your Gut?

Yes! It’s perfectly safe for pregnant and breast feeding mothers.

How Much Should I Be Taking And For How Long?

You should be taking one level tablespoon twice a day, ideally before meals. I always suggest starting off slow, say a teaspoon in the morning, and slowly increasing your intake from there.  

Will It Interfere With Other Medications And Should It Be Taken At Different Times?

It doesn’t interfere with other medications but again, I do suggest talking to your general practitioner or naturopath depending on what you’re taking! 

I Don’t Like The Texture; Do You Recommend Taking It In A Special Drink Or Food?

That’s the beauty with the powder – you can take it however you like! You can add it to a smoothie, add it to raw treats or even sprinkle it on food like fairy dust. 

Click here to see a Smoothie Recipe with Heal Your Gut Powder

Can Heal Your Gut Help With Candida And Also Help Rid Parasites?

Yes, it can help with candida and can even get rid of parasites! 

Can It Help With IBS Symptoms And Crohn’s Disease?

The powder can help alleviate IBS symptoms as well as Crohn’s disease. 

I Have Heard That It Also Gets Rid Of Both The Bad And Good Bacteria, Is This True?

My Heal your Gut powder helps to balance gut bacteria by getting rid of bad bacteria and toxins in the gut and restoring our good gut bacteria! So no, it doesn’t get rid of good bacteria, only the bad stuff! 

What Are The Other Beneficial Benefits That Heal Your Gut Can Help With?

Heal your Gut powder is high in silica which means it can improve nail, skin and hair health. It also helps you to absorb nutrients from your food more effectively and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. The product is also naturally high in absorb-able iron which can help improve energy levels and mood

Hope that has answered your questions, Enjoy xx

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