Magnesium.. What you need to know!

Since I started my Wellness Journey in 2008 I have always read up on and vigilantly researched foods and natural vitamins that have a positive effect on my body and well being. Being a mumma bear to my 3 children and constantly on the go, I am always looking for a new recipe, natural supplement of some sort or new exercise regime that swears to give me a boost in health, vitality and improved energy levels. So when I came across Magnesium I instantly began to look into its benefits and how I could use it to help my body and mind.

As you will read on, there are so many positive and healthy rewards to reap when using magnesium and it may make you think, like I did, that its time to get onto Magnesium - the topical kind!

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that is crucial to the body's function and regulates over 300 biochemical reactions in the body.* Are you with me? It means that Magnesium ions play a vital role in helping the body to maintain a healthy immune system, keeping bones strong, energy production, monitoring muscle and nerve functions and building new cells which is significant for a healthy body.*


How can Magnesium help me?

So this is the bit I did not know .. Oral magnesium supplements are actually not the best way to boost your magnesium levels! Did you know that 90% of an oral magnesium supplement can be destroyed in the gut?** This means that you potentially, are not getting enough magnesium and its time to start using topical magnesium products! The bonus to using these products is that once applied to the skin it is odourless and absorbed quickly; your body only takes in the amount of magnesium that it needs, so there is no chance of overdoing it! **

Since magnesium has a huge job within our bodies on a daily basis, there are an array of amazing health benefits that come about when using topical magnesium products. Below are just a few that I was excited about:

Stress Relief

Magnesium has long been known for its ability to relieve stress and when you are stressed you are actually susceptible to lower levels of magnesium. So its important to use a topical magnesium product to maintain sufficient levels of magnesium which will help increase your serotonin levels within the body. This will in turn help you become calmer. ***

We recommend using the Amazing Oils Magnesium Chloride Baths Flakes to soak in, as these flakes are easily absorbed into the skin and after a tough day, they are the ultimate stress reliever! Soaking in the Magnesium flakes will not only calm you but also boost your magnesium levels. To do this, dissolve 1/2 cup - 1 cup of the Magnesium Flakes into a warm bath, then soak into clean skin for 30 minutes or more and breath in and relax…                            


Sore Joints & Muscle Pain and Tension

Magnesium helps to relieve inflammation which may be causing the pain within your muscles and joints. An Amazing Oils Organic Magnesium Chloride Bath Flakes may be the perfect way to relieve cramps, sore joints and muscle tension, even after a tough gym workout! Alternatively the Bare & Co. Organic Magnesium Spray is also another effective way to relieve sore muscles and joints. This is because it is a natural muscle relaxant and applications to sore muscles and joints can also provide instant pain and ache relief, just apply it directly onto sore and tired muscles.** This little beauty can also be used to ease the pain and tension associated with a dreaded headache! Applied to the base of the neck to relieve tension, or anywhere else on the body that is suffering from aches and pains.**

 Energy Levels:

As explained earlier, Magnesium is vital for your overall health and well being. Studies reveal that low levels of magnesium lead to reduced production of energy, which means you tire much easier! ***** So to assist your body in replenishing its energy banks hop into a bath filled with Amazing Oils Magnesium Bath flakes and let your body absorb as much as it needs. Alternatively, you can use the Bare & Co. Organic Magnesium Organic Oil Spray and rub it into the back of your hands and tops of your feet.


Sleep improvement 

Magnesium even helps you get a restful nights sleep as it works as a natural muscle relaxant and if you are deficient, you may be having trouble sleeping, which can lead to host of other unfavourable health issues! **** For those that suffer from insomnia or having trouble sleeping, you can apply Bare & Co. Organic Magnesium Spray, 20 minutes before bed behind the knees, on top of the feet and to the lower back. This is an odourless, non-oily and convenient way to raise Magnesium levels in the body to help you get some well-deserved shut eye.

 Skin Conditions:

If you suffer from skin tags, moles, sunspots, blemishes and lumps and bumps on the skin you will be pleasantly surprised with the Amazing Oils Magnesium Ugly Bits Roll On Stick!  This product works by using a concentrated dose of the Amazing Oils solution to treat and remove the above skin conditions. This clever little stick can help these skin issues disappear in only a matter of weeks! For use on blemishes, this stick will make them disappear in a matter of hours.** Or you can try Organic Magnesium Moisturiser by Amazing Oils to target general skin conditions by applying directly to the affected area. Research ** has shown that conditions such as psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, eczema and rashes can be soothed and relieved after one single application. As well as relief, this blend will also nourish and balance the multiple dermal layers around the condition

Be Well xx

This blog post was not written by a health care professional. All information is written to provide general public information about magnesium, compiled from product manufacturers. Seek medical advice from your GP if you have any concerns about your magnesium levels. See below references for further information from sources for this blog post.


*Web Md

** Amazing Oils

***It takes



Comments (12)

Kyla - Aug 23, 2016

I am a beauty therapist I would like to stick this in my salon

Pia chamberlain - Aug 23, 2016

Hi there interested for my daughter

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